Capture your world in 3D and discover the power of physical photography with the Sense 3D scanner. Savor every dimension of your favorite memories: Graduation day. Wedding day. Bringing home baby. Holidays. Trips around the world. All with your Sense, all in 3D.

Capture your world in 3D

Discover the power of physical photography with the Sense 3D scanner. Savor every dimension of your favorite memories: Graduation day. Wedding day. Bringing home baby. Holidays. Trips around the world. All with your Sense, all in 3D.

Mash up your world

Full integration between the Sense and Cubify Sculpt enables creative freedom like never before.


Big or small, scan it all

Sense has the most versatile scan range in its class with auto-optimized settings for objects large and small.

Zero in on what matters

Automatic object recognition extracts precise targets from the busiest of backgrounds.


Edit with ease

With quick cropping, enhancement and solidifying tools, Sense can prepare 3D printable files within minutes.

Physical to digital and back again

Fully integrated with and your Cube 3D printer, the Sense allows scans to upload directly for 3D printing, either at home or through the cloud.
